Wednesday, December 18, 2013

To blog or not to blog, that is the question...would someone as famous as Walt Whitman in today's world have become the exquisite writer that he was if his medium were the wonderful world of web? With rejection being almost instantaneous as the writing itself, would he have become disillusioned with the process and thus meandered through life being a copy writer for some indiscreet newspaper? We will obviously never really know, but as anyone who attempts to write in this digital age knows, competition screams at a voluminous pace with the click of a mouse. By the time I have finished this sentence, easily ten writers have just submitted their writings somewhere in the cyber-connected world to someone else who will probably have an 'in-basket' with hundreds of other wannabe writers. Time has shrunk, and being the enemy of all who must be seen, it becomes a nastier foe. How will my writings ever be given the light of day? I am not John-boy Walton who has my own television series where I get to showcase my thoughts on the Depression and growing up on Walton's Mountain. I believe there are those who still write the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper...but to what end? Maybe for creativity sake, but we are now limited to the Orwellian idea of having big brother peruse it first via the NSA. We are relegated to use the 0's and 1's methodology. Can such a creative tome like War and Peace ever come out of an IPAD? Some say this is an unlikely case, but then again John-boy never thought he'd make it off Walton's Mountain did he?